First seen January 08, 2015. Last updated on January 12, 2025.
The credit card charge "NEWSP PD SJ 888 785 3 314 MO USA" was first submitted to our database on January 08, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Do you have any information regarding the origin of this credit or debit card charge? If so, please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
If you think you have been the victim of credit card fraud, a scam, or have had your credit card number stolen contact your credit card company or financial institution immediately. Don't let your credit score be ruined!
68% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.
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Merchant | St Louis Post Dispatch (edit) |
Website | (edit) |
Phone | 314-340-8888 (edit) |
Category | newspaper (edit) |
Description | renewal (edit) |
If this is a payment for a subscription, please cancel it!
I did not authorize this subscription. Please cancel it!
St.Louis Post Dispatch told me that they had no account using my name/address, and thus couldn't do anything about this charge. I suppose the scam includes attempting to make the charge look legit? Visa had to issue a new card, hope that helps.
i just saw that on aug.29, jul, 28 and may 8 money be taken from my bank. Please stop or I will report it to you.
I found this charge on my August discover card account. I have no idea what it is about. please delete and refund
I noticed a charge over 6 months at $14.95/month. It shows to be St. Louis post dispatch, tried to log in & got “no account”. I called my bank, was told to call StL Post 1-888-340-8000. Called>was told I have “no account”. Called my bank again>was told that info is StL Post ??? they’ll refund 2months, but I need to get a new ck acct card #. Now I get to change all my monthly accts to new card #. I still don’t know who this is, everything lines up to the Post but is not them! FYI: Post subscription is for $14.99, but I was charged $14.95. How is this being done???u
Was charged 14.95 from this, seems to correspond with the St. Louis Post Dispatch. I did their $1.00 trial back in July and it is from the same NEWSP PD-SJ 888-785-3201 MO. When I try to log in, it says "No Account," which is odd because I did have one with them. It feels like the STLPost is actually scamming people (not a 3rd party).