First seen January 16, 2014. Last updated on January 02, 2019.
The credit card charge "CB2 #56 MIAMI BEACH FL MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE FURNISHING SPECIALITY STORES" was first submitted to our database on January 16, 2014. It has not been reported by any users.
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Two test charges from "CB2 #56" were placed on my card before a much larger fraudulent charge. The initial test was for $10, to see if the card worked. Five days later, a second charge from "CB2 #56" in the amount of $0.01 was placed - presumably to confirm that the card had not been cancelled after the initial test. Less than one hour later, a fraudulent charge of more than $900 occurred, through Busy Bee Tire Shop of Nevada. I have no reason to believe that Busy Bee was complicit - however someone with access to "CB2 #56" very certainly was.