First seen January 05, 2015. Last updated on July 28, 2021.
The credit card charge "478 PBC KNOXVILLE TN 044KNOXVILLE TN" was first submitted to our database on January 05, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Do you have any information regarding the origin of this credit or debit card charge? If so, please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
If you think you have been the victim of credit card fraud, a scam, or have had your credit card number stolen contact your credit card company or financial institution immediately. Don't let your credit score be ruined!
77% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.
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I have this charge on my credit card for $1.50. I think this might be a drink machine charge from Pepsi Beverages Company? Can anyone else confirm this charge?
Its from a drink machine in Pidgeon Forge TN