First seen July 21, 2014. Last updated on June 28, 2022.
The credit card charge "ATTN CCA E SERVICES SAN RAMON CHEVRONOFFER" was first submitted to our database on July 21, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.
Do you have any information regarding the origin of this credit or debit card charge? If so, please comment below! Help others avoid potential confusion by sharing!
If you think you have been the victim of credit card fraud, a scam, or have had your credit card number stolen contact your credit card company or financial institution immediately. Don't let your credit score be ruined!
69% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.
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Merchant | Chevron (edit) |
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Category | Fuel (edit) |
Description | Fuel purchase (edit) |
This charge appeared on my American Express was wondering what it was for? Please let me know thank you Kim Cecil
Charge from Chevron for one of their fueling stations.
Fradulent! Don't approve! I got an alert and it was from Nebraska.. I've never even been there.
It just showed up on my Amex, I quickly called to dispute this charge. Does anyone know anything else about this charge?
bought ice cream at a Chevron Store in Texax
I got a call today from an Asian man who ised broken English asking me if I have credit cards. I asked him who he was and did not tell him if I did or not use credit cards. He then became mean and loud asking for my expiration date on my most used credit or debit card. I told him when he could speak English clearly and get rid of his attitude I might talk to him, but I don't give out my credit card information over the he's wasting his time and I hung up on him. When I got off the phone I looked on my bluebird app and there had been an attempt to charge something by ATTN CCA E-SERVICES. It was declined by bluebird. This is definitely a scam!
This is definately a valid charge. I didnt know what it was when i saw it on my american exp card. I looked it up andvit says chevron. I did go to chevron on the day in the city and the time it was said to have been charged and i did use my amex. If younnever used your amex then someone got a hold of your card info
Got a random charge on my Hilton Amex card of 1.99 at a chevron in a city I was not in, don’t know if it’s a processing fee? or something nefarious. I do use chevron a lot but have never been in the city the charge was from. Should I be concerned someone has my info and was testing it out?
Hilton Amex as well. Charge for 5.95